When an agency or municipality has a little-to-no budget for the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO), it is crucial the position is set up to be successful. Here are some basic steps that can make the position be successful, and drive traffic between the website and social media channels.
Create a news release.
Know basic AP style and format to do this right.
Build local, regional, and statewide media lists.
Create basic artwork to accompany the website/social media posts.
This could be as simple as a picture saying, "News," or better yet, creating a picture with the title on your news release.
Post that same release emailed to the media list(s) on your website along with the same artwork created.
Having the exact same wording in multiple places builds credibility and trust.
Post the same artwork from the website to social media channels, along with the link back to the website.
When people see all the same look, feel, and information in multiple areas, it will build trust and an audience in many areas.
Consistency between social media channels and websites builds credibility, giving you more authority within the community. Seeing the same news and same artwork builds the brand and trust that people want to see. There are a lot of free or inexpensive tools that can help your PIO do this, even on a tight budget, or with little expertise. With the proper guidance, Your Town Media Training can guide you in the right direction and help you use the correct tools to make your team more functional and your credibility even better within your community. Contact us today!